HealthWorks Services
Asbestos Physicals
Direct Company Billing
Drug & Alcohol Testing

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) mandates a program of random drug and alcohol screenings for all drivers operating with a commercial license. Under this program employers must assure that these individuals are part of a pool which will be randomly screened for breath alcohol, and the metabolites of five classes of drugs in their urine. HealthWorks can provide each of the Federal tests necessary to be in compliance: pre-employment, random, post-accident, and reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing.
For businesses wishing to enroll in a Drug Free Work Place program, employers can set up Forensic testing with HealthWorks.
Ergonomic Consultations

Improper repetitive postures, movements, and recovery attempts can put your workers at undue risk for musculoskeletal disorders with long-ranging effects on their ability to function. This can put you at risk for workers' compensation claims and lost productivity. Our certified ergonomic-assessment specialist can suggest solutions to help match workstations and workers, with as little cost and disruption to work flow as possible.
Flu Shots & Other Vaccinations

Employers who subsidize workplace vaccination programs stand to see a significant return on investment, particularly during a severe influenza season or pandemic when employee productivity may be interrupted by influenza-related absenteeism. Other preventative vaccines offered by HealthWorks include Varicella, the Hepatitis B vaccine and Tetanus/Diphtheria.
Health Promotion Programs

The rising cost of healthcare plans can take a huge bite out of profit. Comprehensive health promotion programs, or worksite wellness initiatives, can help lessen the rate of increase, stabilize, or even lower your cost per employee for healthcare coverage.*
Our caring and compassionate disease management and health-promotion specialists are versed in the psychology of behavior change, and the mental, physical, emotional, and relationship aspects of overall health. Trained and certified by the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA), we can help you design and implement a program uniquely suited to address your organization's health challenges.
*Return on Investment is determined by several factors; please contact us for more details.
Hearing Conservation Programs & Audiometric Testing

Our CAOHC-certified technicians provide the hearing screenings necessary to measure and track noise-induced hearing loss and keep your business compliant with OSHA Noise Standard 29 CFR 1910.95. The results from these screenings are reviewed by our medical director, and then compiled into a comprehensive summary that makes Form 300 hearing-loss reporting as easy as can be.
Mobile Unit
Personal Protective Equipment

We stock, or can order, a variety of personal protective equipment including: eye protection, ear muffs and plugs, and NIOSH-approved respirators & replacement cartridges suitable for a wide range of occupational applications. Our industrial hygienist can assist you in selecting the most effective protection for the material hazard in question.

HealthWorks providers offer many different types of workplace related physicals, at competitive costs. These include: Annual Wellness, 19A School Bus Driver/DOT, Firefighter/Emergency Medical Services Personnel, pre-placement/fitness for duty and HazMat. HealthWorks offers physicals at the client's location of choice and bimonthly at our office in Fly Creek, NY.
Respiratory Protection Programs

You know that providing respirators for those employees exposed to occupational hazards is just the first step. Whether N-95s, SCBAs, or any respirator in between, we provide the services necessary to comply with OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.134's mandates: an annual fit test to assure proper protection factors, employee instruction in proper wear and maintenance of these respirators, and physical exams (including pulmonary function testing) to establish medical clearance for respirator use.
Venous Blood Sampling: Heavy Metals & Various Other Labs
Wellness Screenings

Healthy employees are good for business, period. Our wellness screenings can provide your workers with periodic snapshots of their overall health, and go a long way toward reinforcing your worksite wellness efforts.* Typical screenings take less than 15 minutes per employee and include the following measurements: weight, waist-hip ratio, blood pressure, glucose, total and HDL cholesterol (LDL & triglycerides available if fasting), and CO measurements for those who smoke.
*Company summaries can be produced from screenings of 25 employees or more.